Posts Tagged ‘Trump voters are pro-rape racists’

The Korean Demilitarized Zone is an Amazing Wilderness

August 26, 2017

North Korea is not going to attack the U.S., no matter what Donald Trump says or doesn’t say.  The little fat turd who controls North Korea knows it would mean the end for him because even China wouldn’t back him, if he was the aggressor.  And the U.S. isn’t going to attack North Korea.  Trump will listen to his generals when they tell him an attack on North Korea would draw China into the war, and China has hundreds of nuclear weapons and enough surface-to-surface missiles to sink our entire Pacific fleet.

I feel sorry for the North Korean people because they are forced to live under the little fat turd’s rule.  But the U.S. voluntarily elected a giant fat turd as president.  Actually, referring to Donald Trump as a turd is an insult to turds.  A turd in a punchbowl would make a better president than Trump.

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A turd in a punch bowl would make a better president than Donald Trump.

Trump opened up his presidential campaign by calling Mexicans “drug dealers and rapists”–words that sounded like they came straight out of Archie Bunker’s mouth.  Ironically, Trump must think rape is only bad if a Mexican is the rapist because Trump brags about how he can rape women and get away with it. Trump is so dumb he equates peaceful protestors with neo-Nazis, and he thinks Jefferson Davis and other Confederate figures are comparable to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.  They are not the same–they are the opposite.  George Washington helped found this country, while the Confederacy tried to tear it apart.  The Confederacy was an enemy of the U.S..  Enemies of the U.S. should not be venerated.  Trump has no credibility because he rarely tells the truth about anything.  He makes up absurd conspiracies and tweets them out in the middle of the night.  This is the symptom of a man who doesn’t have all his marbles.  Trump is also highly unethical, but I’m not going  to delve into this here because just the details of his crooked business interests could fill volumes.

Trump disgusts me, but I am even more disgusted with the stupid uneducated fools who voted for him.  They all look like a bunch of angry, shriveled-up losers.  They are so dumb they actually think this billionaire prick gives a shit about them.  Trump’s economic policies, if he ever is able to enact them, would greatly aid ultra rich plutocrats, like himself, while steamrolling the working class chumps who voted for him.  Trump proved this when he said he would actively work to make Obamacare fail.  This means he cares more about a legislative victory than the well being of the American people.  The election of Trump is an insult to the intelligence and integrity of the American people.  I think many people voted for him because of name recognition.  They were familiar with this dumb bigoted celebrity from his brainless TV show.  Other people are attracted to his xenophobic racism.  It is disturbing to realize there are millions of pro-rape racists living in this country.  I hate Trump voters.

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Trump supporters are shriveled up old losers.  His rallies are a sea of white faces, though occasionally there will be a token black guy carrying an awkward sign saying “Blacks for Trump.”  The Trump campaign undoubtedly paid for the token black guy to stand there.  Trump was elected by pissed off racists.  It is alarming to realize there are tens of millions of brain dead racists in this country.

The Korean Demilitarized Zone divides North and South Korea.  People haven’t lived in this zone for 64 years, and the land has reverted to wilderness.  The KDZ is 400 square miles of mountains, forests, prairies, wetlands, and tidal marshes.  At least 52 species of mammals live in the KDZ including 5 kinds of deer, wild boar, Asiatic black bears, leopards, leopard cats, and raccoon dogs.  Many of the species that live here are rare or extinct in the rest of Asia.  Critically endangered long-tailed gorals (a kind of goat), musk deer, red-crowned cranes, white-naped cranes, and black-faced spoonbills make the KDZ their home.  There are even rumors of Siberian tigers roaming the KDZ.  It seems impossible that so much wildlife can exist here.  Reportedly, there are 2500 landmines per square mile, and animals occasionally do trigger them.  Animals can thrive in minefields but can’t tolerate the presence of man–another example of how detrimental people are for wildlife.  Maybe some day, if Korea is ever unified, the KDZ will become a park.  In the rest of China and Korea wildlife has been obliterated, and pollution is a disaster.  Asia badly needs a park like this.

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The critically endangered red-crowned crane finds refuge in the KDZ.

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Ruddy kingfisher.

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Korean water deer.

Naemorhedus caudatus

Long-tailed goral.